Housekeeping Dispatch - NovoTrax AI Enabled Active Shooter Detection Solution
Smart Advanced Technology
Housekeeping Dispatch in NovoTrax integrates flawlessly with patient transport and provides parallel dispatching for housekeeping personnel and patient transport personnel for patient transports requiring housekeeping, like patient discharges. Room management becomes easy with shorter bed-turnaround times using Housekeeping Dispatch. As a stand-alone product, Housekeeping Dispatch is a powerful tool for dispatching, tracking, and monitoring housekeepers in any environment.
Hospitals, nursing homes, service companies, and other entities can all benefit from the power and versatility of Housekeeping Dispatch. Employing features such as; advanced automatic dispatching technology, zoning, real-time tracking, and return and report gives NovoTrax Housekeeping Dispatch offers superior advantages. Housekeeping Dispatch lets you keep your facility in tip-top shape while keeping your labor costs to a minimum. In addition; the powerful Room Costing tool built into NovoTrax, lets you know in advance, the staffing needed to maintain a single room, or to maintain a complete enterprise consisting of multiple campuses and multiple buildings.
Housekeeping Dispatch integrates seamlessly with the NovoTrax Inspection Dispatch module allowing for automatic dispatch of room inspectors or hospitality surveyors for any type of inspection or survey to be performed. A failed room inspection can automatically dispatch a housekeeper to clean the room, saving costly turn-around time and giving better customer service to you patient.
NovoTrax Housekeeping Dispatch integrates seamlessly with the NovoTrax Room Management module and gives real-time data of room status.
Mobile Solution
NovoTrax works flawlessly with mobile devices, such as Apple and Android, allowing officers and other technicians to get their respective assignments and respond quickly. Efficient and silent communication keeps steady work flow and secures privacy. Also works with single direction and two way paging systems.
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite. 700
San Antonio, TX 78213
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FAX:1 844-872-9247