Fleet Management - NovoTrax AI Enabled Active Shooter Detection Solution
Advanced Technology
If service trucks, taxis, ambulances, shuttles, couriers, or other company automobiles are not kept in tip-top shape appointments are missed and the customer experience is greatly affected.
Capable of managing thousands of vehicles, the Fleet Management module within NovoTrax can manage your entire fleet of interior and exterior vehicles.
The NovoTrax Fleet Management module lets you know how many miles and how many hours of service each vehicle has had in any given period of time. It tracks and monitors fuel usage, and it keeps track of each vehicle’s needs and repairs. Preventative maintenance is easily scheduled with Fleet Management for any vehicle.
NovoTrax’s Fleet Management module integrates seamlessly with the NovoTrax Service module and the NovoTrax Maintenance module so that vehicle oil changes, repairs, and other maintenance issues are always kept current and ready to serve your patients.
Time, labor, and expense are tracked per vehicle helping you measure the exact cost per mile and per hour of use.
NovoTrax’s Fleet Management module helps you stay on top of licensing, insurance, service contracts, lease agreements, renewals, and a host of other fleet management issues.
Best of all, NovoTrax’s Fleet Management module seamlessly integrates with every other NovoTrax module, like the Asset Manage module, Inventory module, and more.
Common data, with common reporting is valuable in competing in today’s business market. The NovoTrax Fleet Management module keeps all of the stakeholders on the same page with all of the metrics and information they need to make important fleet management decisions.
No one gives you the tools you need to optimize your business flow process better than NovoTrax!
These are only a few reasons why the NovoTrax’s Fleet Management module is an important piece in your business flow and customer satisfaction!
Mobile Solution
NovoTrax works flawlessly with mobile devices, such as Apple and Android, allowing officers and other technicians to get their respective assignments and respond quickly. Efficient and silent communication keeps steady work flow and secures privacy. Also works with single direction and two way paging systems.
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite. 700
San Antonio, TX 78213
Toll Free:1 844-TRAX-24-7
FAX:1 844-872-9247